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Pre-Lenten Day

Pre-Lenten Day

  • Diocese
  • Educational

A day for Clergy and Lay Leaders to quietly prepare for the Season of Lent

February 18, 2025

This is a hybrid event – participants are welcome to attend in-person, or to watch online. No registration is required.

Resisting the Temptations of the Powerswith the Rev. Dr. Jesse Zink

The Church often uses Jesus’ encounter with the devil in the wilderness to frame the season of Lent. These temptations also provide a lens for considering our ministry as clergy leaders in a world shaped by rival powers and structures that work against and obstruct Christian witness. The three addresses in this PreLenten Day will reflect on the nature of temptation we encounter not only as Christians but also as people living in a changing and challenging moment in human history. The addresses will also consider the practices that can help us lead Christian communities that resist these powers and enact the abundant life of the Reign of God.


Since 2017, Jesse Zink has served as principal of Montreal Diocesan Theological College (widely known simply as “Dio”), a theological college affiliated with McGill University that serves both the Anglican and United Churches of Canada. Born and baptized in the Diocese of New Westminster and raised and ordained in the Episcopal Church in the United States, Jesse also served in ministry in South Africa and England before his arrival in Montreal. His latest book, published in fall 2024, is Faithful, Creative, Hopeful: Fifteen Theses for Christians in a Crisis-Shaped World. He is the author of four other books about Christian theology, Christian mission, and Christianity in the non-western world, including Backpacking through the Anglican Communion (2014), A Faith for the Future (2016), and Christianity and Catastrophe in South Sudan: Civil War, Migration, and the Rise of Dinka Anglicanism (2018).


10 AM – Celebration of the Eucharist
11 AM – First Address
11:30 AM – Silence
12 PM – Second Address
12:30 PM – Mid-Day Prayer and Lunch Break
2:00 PM – Third Address
2:30 PM – Silence and/or Q&A
3 PM – Closing Prayer


Those who would like to come in-person for the Eucharist, addresses, and a time of quiet should note that only coffee and tea will be served in the Community Room (lower hall); no lunch is being provided. Attendees may bring a bag lunch to eat in the Community Room or may leave to buy a lunch nearby during the 75-minute lunch break.

For more information about this event, contact Amanda Lowry at

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  • Name: Amanda Lowry
  • Email:

Event Details

  • Date: Feb 18, 2025
  • Time: 10:00 am - 3:00 pm
  • Church: St. James Cathedral
  • Parish: 1054
  • View on Map