This six-part series, hosted by the Deacons of Parkdale-West Toronto Deanery, offers a unique perspective on the Black Canadian experience through presentations by renowned artists Pat McNeilly, Dwayne Morgan, Henry Gomez, Teejai Travis, Roger Gibbs, and Quentin VerCetty, along with background materials outlining aspects of Black history in Canada that have rarely been taught in schools.
The Deacons of Parkdale-West Toronto Deanery and the Diocese of Toronto gratefully acknowledge the support of the National Film Board of Canada for this series.
Recovering the Truth About Black History in Canada
Background materials:
- Black history in Canada: a live, interactive roundtable (51 minutes)
- Collingwood Heritage Community Church Designation (47 minutes)
- Jacqueline Woodson, a writer of children’s and young adult books. (3 minutes)
WATCH the presentation with Pat McNeilly (October 12, 2023)
The Atlantic Slave Trade: Exile to Babylon
Background materials:
- The Horrifying History of Britain’s Slave Trade (49 minutes)
- How to be an Ally (1 minute)
WATCH the presentation with Dwayne Morgan (November 23, 2023)
Emancipation and the Price of Liberty
Background materials:
- The Mighty Sparrow – Slave (7 min)
- This Woman is Believed to be America’s Last Slave (4 min)
- Former Slave Interview of Fountain Hughes, June 11, 1949 (21 min)
- What Actually Happened When Slaves Were Freed (11 min)
- The Part of History you’ve always skipped: Neoslavery (75 min)
WATCH the presentation with Henry Gomez (January 18, 2024)
Movement of Blacks to Canada Part 1: Loyalists after the American Revolution
Background materials:
- Dear Jackie
- Oscar – directed by Marie-Josée Saint-Pierre (2016 | 12 min)
- Speakers for the Dead
- Africville stories – Joe Sealy
WATCH the presentation with Teajai Travis (February 15, 2024)
Movement of Blacks to Canada Part 2: The Underground Railroad
Background materials:
- The Story of Africville
- The Africville Museum
- Africville: A Story of Environmental Racism
- “How the unbreakable Maroon spirit still inspires African Nova Scotians”
- The Jamaican Maroons in Nova Scotia July 1796
- “Stand Up” – Official Lyric Video – Performed by Cynthia Erivo (from the movie Harriet)
- “As Is, Where Is” (The Story of Negro Creek Road)
WATCH the presentation with Roger Gibbs (March 21, 2024)
Immigration from the Caribbean/The West Indian Experience
Background materials:
- Journey to Justice (47 min):
- Ninth Floor (1 hr 21 min):
- Derailed: Porters go to Ottawa (Donald Willard Moore)
- Derailed: Passing the Baton (Stanley Grizzle)
- Imagining Freedom: With Artivist Quentin Vercetty
WATCH the presentation with Quentin VerCetty (April 18, 2024)
As you review the background materials and watch the presentations, consider these questions:
- What is the impact of the absence of Black history-telling on Canada? What would change if we were to tell our history in a new way, with a greater recognition of Black history?
- What new learning have you experienced? How has it changed your understanding of race and racism?