In an increasingly secularized world, chaplains are called to be the symbolic presence of God’s reconciling love and compassion.
School chaplains
School chaplains can be the first point of contact for students as they learn about world religions, develop new ideas about the world and their place in it, and make decisions about their own lives of faith.
Below is a list of Anglican chaplains active in schools in the Diocese of Toronto:
Bishop Strachan School
The Rev. Claire Latimer-Dennis
Havergal College
The Rev. Jillian Ruch
Holy Trinity School
The Rev. Canon Stephen Crowther
Lakefield College School
The Rev. John Runza
Royal St. George’s College
The Rev. Dr. James Leatch
Trinity College School
The Rev. Canon Don Aitchison
Hospital chaplains
Chaplains are often the first contact people have during the crisis of illness or within the isolation of long-term care facilities.
Below are the Anglican chaplains active hospitals and health care facilities in the Diocese of Toronto:
Markham Stouffville Hospital
Donald Shields, Chaplain
Sunnybrook – St. John’s Rehab
Joanne Davies, Chaplain and Spiritual Care Coordinator
416-226-6780, ext. 7400
St. Michael’s Hospital
Jamie Villeneuve, Chaplain
416-864-6060, ext. 2553
Sunnybrook – Bayview Campus
For sacramental care you may contact:
Joanne Davies, Priest Chaplain
416-226-6780, ext. 7400
St. Joseph’s Health Centre
Diana Finch, Chaplain
416-530-6486, Ext. 4516