You can become a member of the Anglican Church of Canada (“an Anglican”) by regularly attending a local Anglican church and contributing to its life and work (its “ministry”). It really is as simple as that.
Anglicans articulate what we believe through how we worship, so the best way to get to know us is to worship with us. Whether you’re already a baptized Christian or you’re exploring Christianity and church for the first time, you’re most welcome at your local Anglican church.
If you’re new to Christianity, you might be interested in exploring a Christian basics course like Alpha or Pilgrim. Different churches will offer different discipleship programs, so get in touch with your local church to learn more.
To find an Anglican church near you, visit Find a Church.
Making it official
If you’ve been baptized in water and in the name of the Holy Trinity in a Christian church or denomination, your baptism is valid in the Anglican Church.
If you’re already baptized, you can choose to be formally received into the Anglican Church or to make a public profession of your faith at a service when the bishop is present. To learn more about baptism, confirmation and reception into the Anglican Church, visit the Life Events page or talk to your local parish priest.