Bulletin Board is the Diocese’s bi-weekly e-bulletin for clergy and lay leaders. To submit an item, email editor@toronto.anglican.ca.
Diocesan business
T1213 package for 2022 mailed
The 2022 T1213 package for clergy receiving a housing allowance was mailed on Aug. 11. If you receive a housing allowance, you need to file form T1213 and receive written approval from the Canadian Revenue Agency (CRA) before you will be allowed a reduction of tax at source. The diocesan payroll office must receive this written approval from the CRA by Jan. 14, 2022, or your housing allowance will be treated as a taxable benefit. If you’d like to have a reduction in withholding taxes at source, you should submit this paperwork by Sept. 30, as the CRA’s processing time is 16-20 weeks. If you haven’t received your approval by the middle of December, contact the CRA to follow up. If you haven’t received a T1213 package, contact Keri Stilling at kstilling@toronto.anglican.ca or 416-363-6021 (1-800-668-8932) ext. 239. If you don’t wish to have the reduction in withholding taxes at source, you don’t need to submit this paperwork to the CRA.
Nominations sought for General Synod members
The Nominating Committee of the Diocese is calling for nominations for members of General Synod. The next session will be held in July 2022. All members of diocesan Synod are entitled to make nominations of any members of Synod. See more details about the requirements. Nominations must be submitted to Pamela Boisvert, Secretary of Synod, at pboisvert@toronto.anglican.ca by Sept. 8.
Diocese holds anti-bias and anti-racism workshops
As one step in our commitment to a diverse and inclusive Church, the Diocese is undertaking anti-bias and anti-racism training. We have contracted a Hamilton-based firm, Co: Culture Collective, to lead this important work on our behalf. Phase 1 involved community listening sessions, in which the experiences and concerns of historically marginalized communities were heard. These sessions formed the basis for developing the curriculum for Phase 2, the anti-bias and anti-racism workshops.
The bishops, chancellors and Synod Office staff have participated in the two-day ABAR workshops. In September, Diocesan Council will engage in this training, followed by the clergy of the Diocese between September and November, and then the rollout of the parish workshops in 2022. When this training becomes available to you, please plan to participate fully. If you have any questions about this initiative, don’t hesitate to be in touch with Bishop Kevin Robertson, the Diocesan Diversity Officer, at krobertson@toronto.anglican.ca.
Diocesan events
Diocesan confirmation service planned for September
The Diocese is planning to hold a confirmation service on Sept. 19 at 4:30 p.m. at St. James Cathedral, COVID-19 restrictions permitting. Guests and family members will be limited to 1-2 people per confirmand, if space allows. Everyone attending will need to register, and the service will be live streamed on the diocesan YouTube channel for friends and family at home. If your parish has candidates who wish to join the service, let Jennifer Bolender King know as soon as possible. The cut-off date is Sept. 8 to allow time to prepare documents and logistics.
Event considers next steps in church redevelopment
“Getting to Base Camp,” the final event in the Common Ground & the Common Good church re-development series, takes place on Sept. 11 from 10 a.m. to noon. This session is specifically for clergy and lay leaders in parishes ready to take the next step in pursuing redevelopment of their property. Register online.
Registration opens soon for Outreach and Advocacy Conference
The annual Outreach and Advocacy Conference will take place by Zoom on Oct. 30, with the theme “Re-membering and Re-making Community.” As we emerge from the experience of the COVID-19 pandemic, what lessons have we learned? How can we bring our communities back together in a way that is life-giving for all? To see the poster and get the latest updates, visit the conference web page. Registration will open after Labour Day.
SSJD offers Zoom retreats
The Sisterhood of St. John the Divine is offering two online retreats this fall led by Kathleen Norris, award-winning poet and writer of The Cloister Walk, Amazing Grace and Acedia and Me. The retreats are:
- Waking in Heaven: A COVID Year, Oct. 1-3. Learn more on the SSJD website and register by Sept. 29.
- A New Look at Formation, Oct. 5-7. Learn more on the SSJD website and register by Oct. 3.
Refugee sponsorship events coming up
The next meeting of the Diocesan Refugee Network will take place on Sept. 9 from 5-6 p.m. This network brings together AURA staff and members of sponsorship committees across the Diocese to share information and best practices. To get the Zoom link or join the mailing list, contact Elin Goulden at egoulden@toronto.anglican.ca. On Sept. 25 from 10 a.m. to noon, the Private Refugee Sponsor Network of Ontario will host a free online workshop on pathways to employment. Register online.
Area events
Youth invited to area retreats
The Diocese’s annual Re:Charge youth retreat will be happening in person in each episcopal area on Sept. 25 from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. This year’s focus will be on how everything we do as Christians acts as a moment to share God’s love for us and shape the world. The day will include games, reflection, prayer and fellowship. Stay tuned for more details.
Event series explores reconciliation
The deacons of the Parkdale-West Toronto Deanery present “A Reconciliation Walk,” a series of conversations that aims to be open to the voices of Indigenous people through stories, movies and discussions, and guide participants in genuine reconciliation. This year’s theme is “Every Child Matters.” The first event will take place on Sept. 16 at 7 p.m. with a discussion of the film We Were Children moderated by the Rev. Leigh Kern, Right Relations Coordinator. Register online.
Area clergy invited to retreat
York-Credit Valley is holding a clergy retreat on Sept. 22. The Rev. Dr. Jason Byasse will explore topics of church revitalization, preaching, technology and ministry life. This will be a Zoom event, but regional deans are investigating the possibility of having a few parishes host in-person gatherings. Details to follow, depending on conditions. The first 40 registrants will receive a free copy of Following: Embodied Discipleship in a Digital Age, Dr. Byasse’s book with the Rev. Andria Irwin. Register online by Sept. 17.
External events
VST holds virtual open house
The Vancouver School of Theology is holding a virtual open house on Sept. 23 from 10:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. for anyone interested in theological education, from one course to a full degree. Spend time with faculty, hear from the president of the school, attend community worship and stay for a class. To register and get more details, contact Julie Lees at jlees@vst.edu or 604-822-6502.
Season of Creation begins Sept. 1
The Season of Creation starts with the World Day of Prayer for Creation on Sept. 1 and runs until the feast day of St. Francis of Assisi on Oct. 4. This year’s theme is “A Home for All? Renewing the Oikos of God.” Local events will be posted on the Creation Care page. Here are some other resources:
- A short video about the season and this year’s theme
- For the Love of Creation faith-in-action campaign
- Global online ecumenical prayer service on Sept. 1 at 7 a.m. on Facebook
Deadline approaching for area grants
Applications for York-Credit Valley Area Council grants are due on Oct. 1. Grants are typically in the range of $500-$2,000. Parishes are expected to contribute half the cost for any project, and the funds are for one year only. About $35,000 is available for ministry development grants and FaithWorks grants, so Area Council is encouraging parishes to consider how they might make use of these funds. For more details, see the YCV area webpage and scroll down to the grants section. Send your completed and signed application to aralph@toronto.anglican.ca by Oct. 1.
Federal election resources explore justice issues
Elections give us an opportunity not only to exercise our democratic rights, but to consider what makes for a society of justice and dignity in which all can flourish. Links to non-partisan election resources on social justice issues are available on the Social Justice and Advocacy page.
Electric organ available
A Cantor electric organ is available free to any parish that could use it. The organ works fairly well but may need a tune up for a couple of stops that aren’t working. Must be picked up in Brampton. To learn more, contact Kevin at 416-889-7091 or kevinjcball62@gmail.com.
Job postings
Parish seeks pastor for children’s ministry
St. John, Willowdale, a growing multicultural parish near Yonge and Steeles, is seeking a part-time pastor for Sunday school children and to support their families in faith formation at home. Related experience is required. Theological or pastoral training preferred. Send a resume in confidence to the Rev. Canon Simon Li at simonli.toronto@gmail.com.
Flemingdon Park Ministry seeks executive director
Flemingdon Park Ministry is seeking an executive director, who will be responsible for the administrative, program and financial management of the corporation and provide Christian outreach ministry that uplifts the spiritual, emotional and material lives of the multi-faith, multi-racial community of Flemingdon Park. For details, see the full job description. To apply, email a resume and cover letter to stu.hutcheson@sympatico.ca by Sept. 3, with “ED application” in the subject line.
Office administrator wanted
St. Martin in-the-Fields, Toronto is seeking an office administrator responsible for managing the various daily and weekly activities in support of the incumbent, the wardens and other staff. This is a permanent part-time position. For more details, see the full job posting at stmartininthefields.ca. Submit your application to cw-stmartininthefields@toronto.anglican.ca by Sept. 30.