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Bulletin Board

Bulletin Board Jan. 14

Bulletin Board is the Diocese’s bi-weekly e-bulletin for clergy and lay leaders. To submit an item, email Add your parish events to the online calendar.

Diocesan business

Parishes asked to consider 20 Calls at vestry meetings
A group of clergy, laity and diocesan staff has come together to tend to Cast the Net and help parishes engage with its 20 Calls, endorsed by Synod in 2023. The group is hoping parishes will embrace one or more of the calls this year, choosing calls that they are already involved in or taking up new ones that suit their capacity, context and vision. The 20 Calls and a discussion guide are available on the Cast the Net page. Parishes are being asked to devote some of their vestry meetings to discussing the calls. Read the full story to learn more.

Charitable donations deadline remains unchanged
The previously announced extension of the 2024 charitable donation deadline to February 2025 has been delayed due to the prorogation of Parliament. The deadline for 2024 donations remains Dec. 31, 2024. Donations received after this date should be receipted for 2025. The Finance department will provide updates if the situation changes. If you have any questions, contact Patricia D’Souza.

Risk and Governance meeting dates posted
The upcoming dates and deadlines to submit documentation for the Risk & Governance committee are:

  • Jan. 30 deadline for Feb. 13 meeting
  • Feb. 27 deadline for March 13 meeting
  • March 27 deadline for April 10 meeting
  • May 1 deadline for May 15 meeting
  • May 29 deadline for June 12 meeting

Send license and lease documents to Daiane Monteiro and send grant requests to Mac Moreau.

Say yes to new shelters
The City of Toronto is investing in shelter infrastructure, planning to create 20 new shelters across the city by 2033. These sites will be smaller, close to existing supports and services, support integration into surrounding communities, and be designed to convert into supportive housing. Learn more about the plans, including the first six locations for shelter development. There is already backlash building in some communities. You can send a message to the mayor and your city councillor telling them you support new shelters.

Faith leaders oppose highway expansion, bike lane removal
On Jan. 13, more than 160 faith leaders urged Premier Ford to halt the construction of environmentally harmful Highway 413 and the planned removal of safe cycling infrastructure, and to invest instead in improving access to affordable housing, health care and education. Add your voice to the call by signing petitions to Stop Highway 413 and bike lane removal, and by asking your MPP to support the letter’s recommendations.

Social justice vestry motion posted
The social justice vestry motion for 2025, “Protecting and Expanding Harm Reduction in Ontario,” is available on the diocesan website. Take time to review it and share it with your parish before your annual vestry meeting. Additional resources will be uploaded to the Vestry Motion page over the coming weeks. If you have questions about the motion, send them to Elin Goulden by Jan. 16. The video will be posted by the end of January.


Diocesan events

Five large services planned
Bishop Andrew Asbil is encouraging Anglicans to attend one or more of the five large worship gatherings planned around the diocese in 2025 as part of the Season of Spiritual Renewal. The gatherings will be held in each region so that people can easily get to them:

  • March 22 at 2 p.m. at St. James Cathedral
  • March 29 at 2 p.m. at Trinity Church, Streetsville
  • May 31 at 2 p.m. at All Saints, Whitby
  • Sept. 27 at 2 p.m. at St. James, Orillia
  • Oct. 25 at 2 p.m. at St. Paul, Bloor Street

More details will be shared as they become available. Read more in The Anglican.

Cathedral hosts exploration day
Children and youth ages 6-18 are invited to the Ash Wednesday Exploration Day at St. James Cathedral on March 5 from 10:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. This event will explore the theme “Experience Spiritual Renewal as We Walk in the Steps of Jesus to the Cross.” Participants will explore the cathedral, play group games, do crafts, meet with the bishop and worship together. For more details, contact Karyne Whalen. Register online.

Season launches new workshops
Registration is open for the winter workshops through the Season of Spiritual Renewal. Topics include renewing our relationship with creation, including children and teens in worship, thinking theologically about music in worship and more. Get the details and sign up on the workshops page.

Christian leaders gather in prayer
Bishop Andrew Asbil and other Christian leaders will gather with Christians from across the GTA at an ecumenical prayer service to celebrate the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity on Jan. 19 at 4 p.m. at the North City Community Church, 377 Woodbridge Ave., Vaughan. Sponsored by the Greater Toronto Area Christian Council of Churches, the service will feature music by the Salvation Army band and choirs from across the region. A reception will follow. For more information, email

Evening celebrates Christian unity
The Fellowship of St. Alban & St. Sergius and the Sisterhood of St. John the Divine are hosting “The Shape and Architecture of the Sacred,” a gathering to celebrate the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity on Jan. 23 at 6 p.m. at St. John’s Convent. The evening begins with Orthodox Vespers sung by members of the choir of Holy Myrrhbearers Orthodox Mission, followed by a light supper and talks by Dr. Tiffany Robinson and Inga Leonova. Register through the convent guest house at or 416-226-2201, ext. 305.

Service celebrates Black heritage of the Church
The first service celebrating the Black heritage of the Church in the Diocese of Toronto was held on Feb. 25, 1996, at St. James Cathedral. To mark the 30th anniversary of this event, the cathedral is inviting Anglicans across the Diocese to a Eucharistic celebration of the life and ministry of Black Anglicans in the Diocese on Feb. 23 at 4:30 p.m. The preacher will be the Rev. Canon Dr. Stephen Fields.

Conference explores missional imagination
The Missional Imagination Conference on Jan. 30 and Feb. 1 aims to equip lay and ordained Christians to understand and engage with the need for imaginative and sustainable mission within the Church. Over a Thursday evening and a full Saturday online, the conference will include brief TED-style talks, discussion panels and group activities, led by a diverse array of practiced missioners, theologians and faith leaders from across Canada. Sign up online.


External events

Vigil remembers the Holocaust
The Christian Jewish Dialogue of Toronto will commemorate International Holocaust Remembrance Day on Jan. 27 at 6 p.m. at Danforth Multifaith Commons, 310 Danforth Ave., Toronto. Download the poster for more details.



Fund supports innovative ministry
The Anglican Diocese of Toronto Foundation is welcoming applications to its New and Emerging Ministries fund, supporting parishes that are being innovative in finding new ways to share the gospel in their communities. The foundation accepts applications quarterly on Jan. 30, April 30, July 30 and Oct. 30. See the full criteria for awarding grants for more details.

Diocese endorses fair rent coalition
A number of advocacy organizations have formed a coalition calling for the end to rent control loopholes in Ontario. Given that the call to close these loopholes was supported by more than 70% of parishes in the 2024 vestry motion, the Social Justice & Advocacy Committee has publicly endorsed this campaign. Learn more about the campaign, send a letter to the premier and subscribe to get updates at

Parishes reminded to use Canon 6 forms
The Property Resources department reminds parishes to use its checklists for Canon 6 approval processes and send them to

  • Facility rentals (low-risk licenses, residential tenancies, parking spaces and lots): red, red parking and yellow checklists
  • Church property (building permit and hard construction costs under $100,000): green checklist

Sisterhood seeking Companion applicants
In September 2025, the Sisterhood of St. John the Divine will begin the ninth year of its Companions Program, an opportunity for women aged 21 and up to join the Sisters for 10 months as either a residential or an online companion. Residential companions live alongside the Sisters, while online companions explore being “monastics in the world” within the framework of work, studies or family life. Applications close May 15. For more information, visit the Sisterhood’s website or contact Shannon Epp at


Job postings

Parish seeks office administrator
St. Martin in-the-Fields, Toronto is seeking an office administrator responsible for managing the church office in support of the incumbent, the churchwardens and committees. This is a permanent part-time position. For more details, see the full job posting. Apply to

Cathedral seeking event manager
St. James Cathedral is seeking an events manager to oversee the stewardship of the cathedral and Cathedral Centre facilities, promoting the use of the facilities for cathedral ministries and external clients, managing events, bringing arts events to the cathedral and working closely with clergy and staff to support mission and financial goals. Learn more.

Diocese seeks DEI advisor
The Anglican Diocese of Toronto has a current vacancy for an experienced diversity, equity and inclusion advisor who will be responsible for leading the diocesan commitment to diversity, equity, inclusion and reconciliation. This is a full-time five-year contract role. See the full job post for more details.

Parish nurse needed
Holy Trinity, Thornhill is seeking a part-time parish nurse who will develop, organize and maintain a health ministry in the parish by planning and setting out goals, working with an established health and wellness committee, and carrying out a healing ministry that promotes health and wholeness in the name of Jesus Christ. See the full job post for details or contact Laura Peetoom at

Cathedral seeks operations manager
St. James Cathedral is seeking an operations manager who will ensure the smooth functioning of cathedral and Cathedral Centre operations, supporting its mission and vision. This role involves engaging with clergy, staff, ministry leads and volunteers to meet operational needs, oversee communications, manage events and foster an environment of trust, diversity and inclusion. Learn more about the position on the cathedral’s website.

The Common Table seeks director
The Common Table at the Church of the Redeemer is seeking a director who will oversee the program, ensuring services such as meals, outreach, healthcare access and social supports meet the needs of guests. See the full job post for details. To apply, forward your application to

Diocese seeking Secretary of Synod
The Diocese has vacancy for a Secretary of Synod (corporate secretary) who will provide corporate governance and event-planning expertise. Candidates must have a high level of organizational and communication skills, event planning and project management expertise, and be able to work as a strategic partner with all levels of the Diocese, providing information and guidance on the Constitution and Canons. See the full job post for more details.