Bulletin Board is the Diocese’s bi-weekly e-bulletin for clergy and lay leaders. To subscribe to Bulletin Board, sign up online. To submit an item, email editor@toronto.anglican.ca.
Diocesan business
Ecclesiastical province issues template for reopening
The Ontario House of Bishops has released a template for reopening churches. The template is intended to support Anglican dioceses contemplate reopening safely, and to be adapted locally as pandemic conditions warrant the safe reopening of churches. All church buildings will remain closed for in-person worship until at least September.
Archives seeks experiences of Anglicans during pandemic
The Diocese of Toronto’s Archives is asking Anglicans in the Diocese who have been documenting their experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic to consider sharing their experiences with the Archives. It is important that events are documented on a diocesan, congregational and individual level. This documentation could be in written form, photographs or other mediums. We are actively seeking letters, journals and photographs demonstrating how COVID-19 has impacted the lives of members of the Diocese. These items can be scanned or donated to the Archives for preservation and could be used for research or exhibits in the future. If you have any questions, please contact Claire Wilton at cwilton@toronto.anglican.ca.
Priest provides homily for National Indigenous Day of Prayer
The month of June has been designated National Indigenous History Month and June 21 is observed every year as National Indigenous Peoples Day. In the Anglican Church of Canada, a Sunday on or near June 21 may be observed as the National Indigenous Day of Prayer. This year, the Rev. Leigh Kern, the Diocese’s Indigenous Ministries Coordinator and Reconciliation Animator, recorded a homily that was shown to more than 30 parishes across the Diocese of Toronto.
Diocesan events
Diocese continues to live stream from cathedral
Services from St. James Cathedral are being live streamed each Sunday at 11 a.m. on the Diocese’s Facebook page and the diocesan website, with videos posted after the fact on YouTube.
Area events
Parish leaders invited to workshops
On June 24 from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m., the Trent-Durham episcopal area is holding a Zoom workshop for parish leaders, especially those new to their positions. If you’re a leader in your parish or thinking about becoming one, you are strongly encouraged to attend. The invitations are extended to churchwardens, deputy churchwardens, parish administrators, treasurers, administrative staff and clergy. Register here.
Reach More Grants fund innovative post-COVID initiatives
Reach Grants up to $5,000 to fund reopening needs, celebrations or to develop programs that build on what parishes have been learning during the lockdown are now available through a streamlined and accelerated process. The Reach Grant Panel will hear pitches twice a month and get back to you regarding the status of your proposal by the next day. Funds for successful proposals will be released in the next week. Congregations may apply for one Reach Grant in any calendar year. For help navigating the Reach Grant process, download this checklist. Reach Grants may be submitted to reach@toronto.anglican.ca at any time. Email Elizabeth McCaffrey for more information.
COVID-19 resources for outreach programs
Angie Hocking, the Diocese’s point person for outreach ministries during the COVID-19 pandemic, together with health care professionals, has prepared recommendations for Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for Diocese of Toronto outreach programs during a pandemic. There is also a video tutorial for the proper use, donning and removal of PPE, along with COVID-19 screening tools for frontline staff and volunteers and for guests in homelessness service settings. These can be found under “Outreach and other resources” on the Diocese’s COVID-19 Updates page.
Tech mentorship available to parishes
The Congregational Development department is launching a small team of remote tech mentors who are available to help parishes set up online worship and small group meetings using digital media tools. Mentoring will take place through phone calls, video calls or email. If you would like to be paired with a mentor, or if you’d like to offer your skills as a mentor, contact Elizabeth McCaffrey, Volunteer Resources Coordinator, at emccaffrey@toronto.anglican.ca.
PWRDF shares resources for dioceses to support relief efforts
The Primate’s World Relief and Development Fund (PWRDF) is continuing to support communities across Canada and around the world during the COVID-19 pandemic. There are many ways clergy and lay leaders can support and participate in this work. The PWRDF has prepared an update on its important work and a list of ways to support it.
Staff Changes
On Aug. 1, Peter Mentis will become the Diocese’s full-time FaithWorks Campaign Manager. Peter joined the Diocese on Feb. 10 and has been working on a contract basis. He can be reached at pmentis@toronto.anglican.ca.