Bulletin Board is the Diocese’s bi-weekly e-bulletin for clergy and lay leaders. To submit an item, email editor@toronto.anglican.ca.
Diocesan business
New deadlines for Anglican Foundation grants announced
As of Jan. 1, the Anglican Foundation of Canada is moving to a quarterly grant cycle instead of a semi-annual one. As a result, the Diocese of Toronto’s application deadlines will be March 1, June 1, Sept. 1 and Dec. 1 each year. Applicants must submit one printed copy of the completed application package and supporting information. Only complete applications will be considered. Email your application to Pamela Boisvert, Secretary of Synod, at pboisvert@toronto.anglican.ca. Visit www.anglicanfoundation.org to learn more.
Parishes asked to review screening files
Before you complete your annual returns, take the time to review screening files for staff and volunteers engaged in ministry in 2022. Has everything been completed? If some items are outstanding, make sure they’re finished before the annual returns are due. For more information about how to fill out the screening section, see the Annual Returns page. There are also screening resources available to help you implement the screening policy. If you have any questions, contact Lily Chow at lchow@toronto.anglican.ca.
Area events
Area clergy invited to conversations
Coffee Conversations with Clergy are back. Get your gingerbread latte ready and join Bishop Riscylla Shaw on Friday mornings in December. Clergy from the Trent-Durham area and from the North Peel, Tecumseth and Nottawasaga deaneries are invited to join Bishop Shaw and clergy colleagues for a morning coffee or tea and a brief time of sharing and socialization. The bishop will host conversations on Dec. 2, Dec. 9 and Dec. 16 from 10-11:15 a.m. Come to one or all three – no registration is required. Join the Zoom meeting (meeting ID 833 4982 5778, passcode Coffee).
External events
Event explores right relationships
Join the Jesuit Forum and the Mary Ward Centre for a half-day introduction to Listening to Indigenous Voices: A Dialogue Guide on Justice and Right Relationships. The event will take place at the Mary Ward Centre, 70 St. Mary’s St., Toronto on Nov. 26 from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Learn more and register online.
ISARC holds religious leaders’ forum
The Interfaith Social Assistance Reform Coalition (ISARC), of which our Diocese is a member, is holding a virtual forum this Wednesday from 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. This year’s theme, “It’s Time to Raise the Rates,” will address the abysmal rates of social assistance in Ontario. Featuring a keynote address by Devorah Kobluk, senior policy analyst with the Income Security Advocacy Centre, and a theological reflection by the Rev. Dr. Brice Balmer, this event is a good way for Anglicans to learn more about a subject which is the focus of our upcoming social justice vestry motion. Register online for free.
Outreach Prayer Cycle updated
The Outreach Prayer Cycle has been updated for 2022-2023. The new cycle, which begins on Advent 1, can be found on the Prayer Resources page.
Outreach Conference videos posted to YouTube
The keynote address and workshops from this year’s Outreach & Advocacy Conference, “Pointing Our Feet Toward Right Relationship,” are now available to watch on the diocesan YouTube channel.
Bishop offers Advent series
“Light One Candle” is a series of four Advent reflections offered by Bishop Andrew Asbil that can be used by small parish groups or individuals as an Advent study. The videos explore the four themes of the season – hope, peace, joy and love – with opportunities to pause and consider particular questions or ideas. The videos can be seen on the diocesan YouTube channel and are available to download to your own computer from Google Drive. They’ll be available in future years as well, so parishes that don’t offer the series this year can choose to use the videos later.
Online Advent calendar returns
Anglicans are invited to join Advent Word, a global online Advent calendar and community of disciples. Daily meditations and images—inspired by a prompt selected from the daily lectionary readings—will be released at adventword.org, beginning Nov. 27. Participants can sign up to receive this daily message, in English and Spanish, by email or by following AdventWord on social media. They’ll also be invited to respond on social media with their own prayers and photos, using the hashtag #AdventWord and the word of the day.
Liturgical books available
The Parish of Elmvale has books available free to a good home:
- 148 copies of the 1971 red hymn book from the Anglican and United churches
- 80 copies of the Book of Alternative Services
Some are well used. For more details, contact Karin Thwaits at karinj51@rogers.com.
PWRDF releases Advent resource
Dr. Sylvia Keesmaat, a parishioner at Redeemer, Bloor St. and co-chair of the Bishop’s Committee on Creation Care, has written this year’s Advent resource from the Primate’s World Relief and Development Fund called “The Birth of Hope: Meditations on Women and Climate Change.” Subscribe at pwrdf.org/advent2022 to receive a daily reading, reflection, prayer and PWRDF story. There are also weekly bible study questions.
Job postings
Parish seeks director of music
Grace Church, Markham invites applications for director of music. Grace is a lively church in the heart of Markham Village that enjoys all types of music. The ability to play pipe organ is preferred, but the parish is willing to consider a good pianist and choir director who’s interested in learning to play the organ. The main Sunday service is at 10:15 a.m., and the choir rehearses on Thursday night. The director would share in selecting appropriate hymns for all services and seasons with the clergy. The ideal start date is after Christmas. The position involves an average of 10 hours of work per week and a salary paid according to the 2022 RCCO salary table. To apply, send a cover letter and CV to office@graceanglican.ca or call the church at 905-294-3184 for more details.
Property assistant wanted
Trinity East (Little Trinity) is looking for a friendly, handy and reliable individual to take responsibility for the care of the building and parishioners while offering a friendly environment for Sunday evening services (5 hours). There is a small component of cleaning and facility maintenance for the building and grounds. Find more details on the parish’s website. Contact Kelly at facilities@littletrinity.org to learn more or to apply.
Church seeking pastor for children’s ministry
St. John, Willowdale, a growing multicultural parish near Yonge and Steeles, seeks a half-time pastor for Sunday School children, and for supporting their families to do faith formation at home. Related experience required; theological or pastoral training preferred. Send a resume in confidence to the Rev. Canon Simon Li at simonli.toronto@gmail.com.
Half-time youth and family minister wanted
St. Matthew, Islington is searching for a passionate and faithful Christian to lead its youth group, help its family ministry team and participate in and lead other ministries as time allows. This is role has potential to grow as the ministry grows. See the full job post to learn more. To apply, submit a CV and cover letter to karen@leeco.ca.
Diocese seeks missioner
The Diocese is seeking a full-time missioner to build awareness and capacity for missional opportunities and initiatives within the Church. This position is a three-year contract role available to lay and ordained candidates. See the full job post to learn more. To apply, send your application, including salary expectations, to hr@toronto.anglican.ca.
Staff changes
Wendy Pearson has resigned as Property Resources Coordinator as of Nov. 30. We wish her well. For support with property resources, contact Daiane Monteiro at dmonteiro@toronto.anglican.ca or ext. 280.