Bulletin Board is the Diocese’s bi-weekly e-bulletin for clergy and lay leaders. To submit an item, email editor@toronto.anglican.ca.
Diocesan business
Nominations invited for the Order of the Diocese of Toronto
Nominations are invited for the Order of the Diocese of Toronto to recognize and honour members of the laity who have given outstanding service over a significant period in their volunteer ministry. This year, every parish in the following deaneries is eligible to submit one nomination: York Mills, York Central, Mississauga, Parkdale-West Toronto, Peterborough and Holland. Download the nomination form from the Order of the Diocese of Toronto page. The deadline is Nov. 18.
Churches reminded of screening requirements for annual returns
Before you complete your annual returns, take the time to review screening files for staff and volunteers engaged in ministry in 2024. Has everything been completed? If some items are outstanding, make sure they’re finished before the annual returns are due. For more information about how to fill out the screening section, see Responsible Ministry Screening in Faith – Completion of Annual Returns. There are also screening resources available to help you implement the screening policy. If you have any questions, contact Lily Chow at lchow@toronto.anglican.ca.
Group seeks stories of hybrid ministry
The Hybrid Ministry Working Group is looking for parishes to share the stories of how they’re cultivating community both in-person and online. Are you using QR codes? Does your presider welcome virtual worshippers every week? Do you offer Christian education by Zoom? Big or small, high-tech or low-tech, fill out the online form to share the story of your hybrid ministry.
Archives to close for October
The diocesan Archives will close to visitors and research inquiries from Oct. 1 to Nov. 1 so staff can undertake inventory work and other much‐needed projects. Urgent inquiries, including requests for certified copies, will still be processed, but all other requests will wait until the Archives re‐opens on Nov. 4. Staff are planning month-long closures in October for the next two years, followed by shorter two-week closures in subsequent years. For more information, contact Claire Wilton at cwilton@toronto.anglican.ca or 416‐363‐6021 (1‐800‐668‐8932).
Packages mailed for withholding taxes at source
The 2024 T1213 package for clergy receiving a housing allowance was mailed out on Aug. 29. Clergy receiving a housing allowance need to file form T1213 and receive written approval from the Canadian Revenue Agency (CRA) before being allowed a reduction of tax at source. The diocesan payroll office must receive your written approval from the CRA by Jan. 14, 2025, or your housing allowance will be treated as a taxable benefit. Submit this paperwork by Sept. 30, as the CRA’s processing time will be 16-20 weeks. If you haven’t received your approval by the middle of December, contact the CRA to follow up. If you receive a paid housing allowance but didn’t receive a package, contact Keri Stilling at kstilling@toronto.anglican.ca or 647-578-9747 (1-800-668-8932). If you don’t wish to have the reduction in withholding taxes at source, you don’t need to submit this paperwork to the CRA.
Diocesan events
Interfaith committee hosts event
The Bishop’s Committee for Interfaith Ministry is hosting a conversation with the authors of The Wall Between: What Jews and Palestinians Don’t Want to Know About Each Other. It will take place on Nov. 6 at 7 p.m. at Church of the Redeemer, Bloor St. A preliminary book discussion will take place on Oct. 16 on Zoom. Sign up online for the book discussion and the Nov. 6 event. For more details, see the Interfaith Ministry page or contact interfaith@toronto.anglican.ca.
Conference explores children’s ministry
Registration is open for the Toronto Children’s Ministry Conference taking place on Nov. 2 at Bayview Glen Alliance Church, 300 Steeles Ave. E., Markham. There is also an online option. The conference is a gathering of people who are dedicated to the spiritual growth of children – parents, church volunteers, ministry leaders and anyone who has a passion for ministering to children. Learn more and sign up on the conference website. You can also download a poster for your parish bulletin board.
Workshop considers insurance matters
The Property Resources department and Ecclesiastical Insurance are hosting an insurance workshop for churches on Oct. 24 at 4 p.m. on Zoom. Ecclesiastical will offer essential insights on using church space for shelters; fire safety; risk mitigation; and a general overview of the insurance program. Sign up online.
Hiking church celebrates creation
As the Season of Creation draws to a close, a number of hiking church events will be held on Oct. 5. These events combine walking and worship in creation. Events have been planned in Peterborough, Nottawasaga and along the Humber River. See the event listing for more details and to sign up.
Gathering considers peacemaking
Church of the Redeemer, Bloor St. and partner organizations are presenting “Voices of Peace 2024,” an afternoon of presentations, music, art, and prayer centred on peace and nonviolence. It will take place on Nov. 16 from 1-5 p.m. at Redeemer. Adrian Jacobs, an Indigenous elder, educator and pastor, will be the featured speaker. Sign up online.
Tickets on sale for Bishop’s Company Dinner
This year, Michael & Gwyne Willmot present the 63rd Annual Bishop’s Company Dinner, with exciting guests and a new venue. Join the festivities on Oct. 18 at the Sheraton Parkway Toronto North. The emcee for the evening will be the Rev. Paige Souter, the guest speaker will be the CBC’s Anthony Morgan, and the musical act will be The Redeemers. Find more information and registration on the Bishop’s Company website.
Event considers restorative justice
“Toward a Justice that Transforms: A Restorative Justice Gathering” will be held Oct. 18-19 at Christ Church St. James. Speakers, displays and discussion will focus on resource awareness, re-narrating identity and risking closeness with those involved in the criminal justice system. Learn more and register online.
Season presents slate of workshops
Registration is open for the fall workshops offered through the Season of Spiritual Renewal. Some are geared to clergy, some to lay leaders of various ministries and some to everyone wanting to grow and be renewed in their faith. Visit the Season of Spiritual Renewal pages for details. Some workshops have a limit on the number of registrants, so sign up early. For more ideas about how your church can engage in this Season of Spiritual Renewal, visit the Spiritual Disciplines for Renewal page.
Walking tour considers housing
Do you find yourself wishing you better understood the different kinds of affordable housing options so you can advocate from a more informed place? Join the Rev. Angie Hocking and others for a walking tour of Regent Park and hear from people that live in various types of housing. The tour will take place on Sept. 28 from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. starting at 585 Dundas St. E. It will be about 1.5 km, with stops along the way. Get more details and sign up online.
Dean of Jerusalem to visit
The Rev. Canon Richard Sewell, Dean of St. George’s College, Jerusalem, will visit St. James Cathedral on Sept. 29. He will preach at 9 a.m., 11 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., take questions at coffee hours after the morning services and give the Snell Lecture after Evensong, “Nought For Your Comfort – The Long Road To Peace.” Visit the cathedral website for more details.
Diocese offers payroll training
Diocesan staff will hold Zoom workshops on payroll training for parish leaders, especially those responsible for processing payroll at the parish. For more information, contact Keri Stilling at kstilling@toronto.anglican.ca. The dates are:
- Oct. 16 from 6-7:30 p.m. Register online.
- Oct. 23 from 6-7:30 p.m. Register online.
Lay anointers gather for training
A Lay Anointer’s Training Day will take place on Oct. 19 from 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. at St. Peter, Cobourg. The day will include practising anointing and presentations on the history and theology of anointing and healing, boundaries and confidentiality, supervision and prayerful support, plus practical learning on the care and keeping of oil and oil stocks. Register online.
Register now for Outreach Conference
This year’s Outreach & Advocacy Conference, “Communities of Resistance and Resilience,” will take place virtually on Oct. 26 from 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. The lineup includes keynote speaker Chief Rudy Turtle of Grassy Narrows First Nation, along with workshops on creation care, overdose prevention in community, deconstructing myths around homelessness, ending poverty for people with disabilities and more. Register online.
Women invited to fall gathering
Anglican women are invited to a gathering of fun and fellowship on Oct. 26 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Christ Church, Stouffville. Keynote speaker Ida Morra-Caruso will speak about women and the law. The cost is $10, which includes supplies for a garden craft to take home. Bring your own nut-free bag lunch (dessert and beverage provided). Register at admin@stouffvilleanglican.ca. For more information, contact acw@toronto.anglican.ca or 416-363-0018.
External events
Seniors rally for climate action
Seniors for Climate Action Now is holding more than 70 events across Canada on Oct. 1 to demand a rapid expansion of renewal energy and an end to fossil fuels. In Toronto there will be a rally at 1:30 p.m. at University Avenue and Armoury, proceeding to Holy Trinity, Trinity Square for an indoor event at 2:30 p.m. A live stream will be available. See a full map of events.
Bursary fosters liturgical and musical creativity
Are you looking for ways to develop, support and encourage creative musical and liturgical experimentation in your parish? The Douglas C. Cowling Bursary is an award of $5,000-$10,000 to a parish in the Diocese to support further liturgical training of music staff or to help provide creative liturgical programming. The deadline to apply is Nov. 30, with decisions made by the end of 2024. See the call for submissions for full details.
Resources consider Orange Shirt Day
A resource package is available for parishes observing Orange Shirt Day and the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation this fall. It includes all-ages resources that lift up Residential School survivors’ stories, a guide to creating an orange hearts memorial in the sanctuary, resources on Indigenous protocols, information about upcoming events and more.
Anglican offers fundraising opportunity
Are you interested in a Christmas fundraiser for your parish? A parishioner from St. Peter, Erindale specializing in custom-made crystal tree ornaments can work with you to create a design with your church building on a 3.5” laser-engraved ornament. Orders placed by Nov. 15 can be shipped by Canada Post or picked up in Port Credit. Contact Judy Hutcheson at judyhutcheson64@gmail.com or 416 897-0623.
Job postings
Parish seeks hospitality coordinator
Little Trinity is looking for a friendly and reliable individual to take responsibility for the hospitality and care of the building and parishioners while offering a friendly environment for Sunday morning services. There is a small component of cleaning and facility maintenance for the building and grounds. Find a detailed job posting on the parish’s website. To apply, submit a resume to the facilities manager at facilities@littletrinity.org. The position is open until filled.
Director of Christian nurture and formation sought
Grace Church on-the-Hill is seeking an individual with a rich understanding of Christian faith and demonstrated excellence at nurturing, forming and teaching a variety of ages. The successful candidate will oversee an inclusive and welcoming children and family ministry and collaborate with clergy on ongoing Christian formation for adults. See the full job description. To apply, email hr@gracechurchonthehill.ca. To have an informal conversation about the position, email the Rev. Micah Latimer-Dennis at micah@gracechurchonthehill.ca.
Parish seeks administrator
St. Mary Magdalene, Toronto is seeking a part-time parish administrator responsible for maintaining day-to-day operations of the parish. Duties include administrative support in the office, serving as the main contact person for people engaging with the church office, preparing weekly bulletins, and assisting in the digital and traditional communications of the parish. See the full job post for more details. For more information or to apply, email ianbell959@gmail.com by Oct. 18.
Bookkeeper wanted
Holy Trinity, Trinity Square is seeking a part-time bookkeeper/finance assistant who will work closely with the parish administrator and the treasurer. See the full job description for more details. To apply, submit a cover letter and resume to hr@holytrinity.to with “Bookkeeper/Finance Assistant” in the subject line.
Parish seeking music director
St. Francis of Assisi, Meadowvale is searching for a new music director. Responsibilities include playing the keyboard at the weekly 10 a.m. Sunday service, as well as at special services; directing the choir and encouraging new members; and holding a weekly choir practice. There is currently a monthly contemporary music service with guitar and piano. Familiarity with Anglican liturgy and hymns is essential. Resumes will be accepted by email to st.francis.of.assisi.news@gmail.com until Sept. 30.
Parish seeks administrator
St. Thomas à Becket, Erin Mills South is looking for a parish administrator who will create slideshows, keep rosters and schedules, and enable day to day operations of the church. The position is for approximately 20 hours per week. See more details in the full job description. Apply to david@stabc.ca by Sept. 30.
Parish seeking faith facilitator
St. John, York Mills is seeking a full-time faith facilitator (clergy or lay person) to join its team and help equip disciples of Christ for all of life’s journey by developing a vibrant, attractive and impactful program of Christian faith formation. See the full job description for more details and email a resume to stjohnyorkmills@toronto.anglican.ca by Sept. 30.