My dear colleagues,
You may have noticed a certain hesitation in Karen if you have asked about my future plans lately. That is because she is aware of my retirement plan, which, except for the details, is possibly the worst kept secret in the Diocese of Toronto.
I have written to the Archbishop asking to retire at the end of January 2017. With his concurrence I announced this today at St. John, Willowdale. It was with that congregation that I worshipped as a new immigrant in 1970 when they met at the chapel at St. Paul, and it seemed fitting to announce my retirement there.
It has been a privilege and a joy to work with such a talented and dedicated cadre of clergy, and the faithful and delightful people we all serve. After my retirement I plan on teaching at Minghua Theological College in Hong Kong for the spring term, and will continue that ministry each spring for the two following years and perhaps longer. When I am in Canada I will be glad to offer myself in ministry appropriate for my situation.
Please be patient with the many changes in this great Diocese as it undergoes significant transition. I will continue to hold it in prayer, and with it, all of you. Please also pray for me and Kathy as we begin a new chapter in life.
Wishing you a powerful Holy Week and a blessed Easter. I remain,
Yours faithfully,
The Rt. Rev. Patrick Yu
Area Bishop of York Scarborough
Bishop Suffragan of Toronto