Archbishop Anne Germond, Metropolitan of the Ecclesiastical Province of Ontario, shared this letter with the province on April 11, 2024.
Dear people of God,
Eastertide greetings from Niagara Falls, where the National House of Bishops is gathered for its spring meeting. It has been and continues to be a full rich time for us as we pray, work and enjoy fellowship together.
On Tuesday evening we celebrated the ministry of our primate, Archbishop Linda Nicholls, with a special meal, tributes and gifts. Having announced her intention to retire on Sept. 15 this year, this will be her final House of Bishops meeting.
There was much laughter and a few tears as stories from each province were offered about +Linda’s ministry and all she has brought to our Church. We also heard tributes from the National ELCIC Bishop Susan Johnson and from Archbishop Bernard Longley, who serves as the co-chair for ARCIC, the Anglican Roman Catholic International Commission, of which +Linda is a member.
In the latter tribute, Archbishop Longley wrote of +Linda’s energy and enthusiasm for the work of Christian unity, her servant heart and her humility, generosity, resilience and scholarship. These are all attributes we have experienced as she has led us during her term as our primate.
Bishop Susan Bell offered a moving tribute to the primate on behalf of Ontario. She said, “You mentioned today that the primate is the icon of the Church’s’ failures as well as her joys. May I just recall to our collective mind a time when you were a powerful icon – when you co-celebrated the Eucharist at the last service of the Lambeth Conference. That, to me and all those who might have vocations that seem impossible to fulfill, was a profound moment of pride.
“And I want to say Your Grace, that we are grateful.”
I write to thank each of the dioceses within Ontario for your generosity in participating in the bursary which the House of Bishops, in conjunction with the Anglican Foundation of Canada, has established in +Linda’s name. The bursary will support theological education for women – lay or ordained. The House of Bishops is committed to giving the first $20,000 towards this bursary, but individuals and parishes across the Church are invited to make their own contributions. No funds will be disbursed until there is $50,000 in it.

Donations to the Archbishop Linda Nicholls Bursary Fund can be made online at the Anglican Foundation of Canada or by mailing a cheque to AFC with +Linda Nicholls bursary on the memo line.
In addition to the gift of money for the bursary, Ontario has given the primate a weekend away at a wilderness lodge. In her spare time, +Linda enjoys wilderness adventures in her canoe. Attached are some photos of Bishop Asbil, who presented Ontario’s gift to the primate.
As we give thanks for the ministry of Archbishop Linda, let us continue to pray for our Church, that each of us will serve with the generosity of spirit that has been demonstrated in word and action by our primate.
I remain yours in the joy of the resurrection,
The Most Rev. Anne Germond
Bishop of Algoma and Moosonee
Metropolitan of the Ecclesiastical Province of Ontario