Today the Premier of Ontario announced further restrictions to prevent the transmission of COVID-19. As we have stated from the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, we will always willingly abide by the restrictions placed upon us by government and health authorities, in our common concern for public health and the safety of every person.
Therefore, effective Monday, Nov. 23, all Anglican churches in Toronto and Peel Region will return to the Diocese’s Red Stage Guidelines. Churches in those communities will be allowed a maximum of 10 people indoors or 10 people outdoors, masked and physically distanced, and primarily for the purposes of providing live stream or other online worship services. Other than that, in-person worship services of over 10 in churches in those communities are not permitted under the Red Stage Guidelines.
When inside our facilities, and even when engaging in video production, people must continue to wear masks and practice social distancing unless they are from the same household. This is a change from our previous Red Stage guidelines.
Churches outside of Toronto and Peel Region will remain in the Amber Stage Guidelines. However, all churches in these areas that choose to stay open must reduce their gathered worship capacity to 30% with social distancing, or 50 people, whichever is less.
While we make these decisions with sadness, there is also hope. May our efforts to contain this disease help to protect each other, and gladden God’s heart with our acts of care.