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Bulletin Board

Bulletin Board Dec. 11

Bulletin Board is the Diocese’s bi-weekly e-bulletin for clergy and lay leaders. To subscribe to Bulletin Board, sign up online. To submit an item, email

Diocesan Business

December payroll deposited early
The December payroll will be deposited on Dec.19.

Diocesan offices to close for Christmas
The Diocesan Centre and area offices will be closed from Dec. 24 to Jan. 1 for Christmas. Regular hours will resume on Jan. 2.

Pilot streamlines process for certain Canon 6 approvals
A revised Canon 6 approvals process will be piloted by the Trusts Committee for six months, from Jan. 1 to June 30, 2019. The pilot simplifies approval for only the following three items; all other Canon 6 requirements remain unchanged:

  1. Low-risk License Agreements (i.e. no minors or vulnerable adults on church property. Examples include Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous, book clubs, meeting groups, parking space rentals, etc.)
  2. Residential Lease Agreements
  3. Repairs/renovations costing less than $75,000 in hard construction cost (regardless of whether a building permit is required)

A completed and signed Checklist & Attestation must be submitted by the incumbent/priest-in-charge and churchwardens to receive quarterly approval from Diocesan Council under Canon 6. Approval no longer needs to be received before occupancy or repair/renovation project start. The standard diocesan License Agreement form, provincial residential Lease Agreement template, and mandatory tenant’s insurance requirements must still be used and adhered to by the church leadership.

The goal of this new streamlined approvals process is to improve processing times and efficiency, without compromising risk management. Congregations will still be expected to perform their requisite due diligence, including checking insurance requirements before allowing occupancy by a tenant. Random audits will be conducted by the Property Resources department to ensure that risk management practices are being followed. Full details will be posted on the Property Resources page by early January.

2018 annual returns to be completed online
The Diocese has implemented a system to allow the completion of the 2018 incumbent’s and churchwardens’ annual returns online. The online forms will be available in late January at Details for completing and submitting returns will be sent to each congregation.

Should you complete the Personal Tax Credits Return?
Clergy and employees of the Diocese should complete the 2019 TD1 Personal Tax Credits Returns if one of the following scenarios applies:

  • You are claiming other than the basic personal exemption amounts (federal $12,069 or provincial $10,582);
  • You are changing your current claim to the basic personal exemption amount; or
  • You are requesting additional tax deductions or changes to existing additional tax deductions.

If the Diocese’s payroll department does not receive completed TD1 forms (both federal and provincial) by Jan. 18, your taxes will be calculated using only the basic personal exemption. Download the 2019 Federal TD1 form or the 2019 Ontario TD1 Form. Forward the completed and signed forms to, fax to 416-363-7678 or mail to Diocese of Toronto, c/o Claire Wilton, 135 Adelaide St. E., Toronto, ON M5C 1L8.

Synod members asked to claim lost items
A couple of books and a pair of women’s shoes were left behind at Synod. To claim them, contact Pamela Boisvert at Unclaimed items will be donated at the end of the year.

Clergy remuneration information memo available
The annual Clergy Remuneration Information Memo is available on the Remuneration and Benefits page. Churchwardens, treasurers and clergy are reminded to read the information.

Diocesan Events

Archbishop to be honoured at public celebration
A special retirement celebration for Archbishop Colin Johnson will be held on Dec. 15 from 1-4 p.m. at St. James Cathedral, Church and King streets, Toronto. It will include refreshments, a receiving line, speeches and presentations, and it will conclude with Choral Evensong at 4 p.m., at which Archbishop Johnson will preach. All are invited.

Bishop Asbil to be installed as Bishop of Toronto
Bishop Andrew Asbil will be installed as Bishop of Toronto at on Jan. 13 at 4 p.m. at St. James Cathedral, King and Church streets, Toronto. All are welcome. The service will also be live streamed through the diocesan Facebook page, and a link to the video will be posted on the home page of the diocesan website. Clergy who wish to vest and process (white stole) must register online and meet in the Cathedral Community Room at 3:15 p.m.

All invited to Bishop’s Levee, presentation of Order
The annual Bishop’s Levee will be held on Jan. 1 at St. James Cathedral. All are invited to join Bishop Andrew Asbil and the College of Bishops to offer best wishes and prayers for the New Year. The levee will begin with a Eucharist at 12:30 p.m., followed by a receiving line and reception from 1:30 to 2:45 p.m. There will be Choral Evensong at 3:30 p.m. with presentations of the Order of the Diocese of Toronto.

External Events

Godly Play workshop offers training
A workshop offering Godly Play core training will be held on Jan. 12, Feb. 9 and March 9 at St. George on-the-Hill, 4600 Dundas St. W., Toronto. Godly Play teaches children the art of using Christian language to help them become more aware of the mystery of God’s presence in their lives. The registration fee is $325, which includes meals and refreshments. Register online by Jan. 4.

Job Postings

Sunday School superintendent wanted
St. Timothy, North Toronto is seeking a Sunday School superintendent to begin work early in the New Year. This is a paid, part-time position, approximately four hours per week, September to May. The successful candidate will be responsible for planning and delivering the Sunday School curriculum on a weekly basis. For more information, see the job post. To apply, send a letter of application and resume to the incumbent at by Dec.16.

Youth and young adult leader wanted
St. John the Baptist, Oak Ridges (Light On The Hill) is seeking a half-time youth and young adult leader. The successful candidate will be a visionary who is excited, energetic and eager to chart a course for the community’s young people to help them grow spiritually and as young Christian leaders. The position will start in January. For more information, contact the Rev. Peter Blundell at or 416-821-4356.

Parish seeking children’s minister
Church of the Transfiguration, Toronto is seeking a part-time children’s minister to lead its Sunday morning children’s ministry for kids age 2-7. The position is approximately 4-6 hours per week. Wages are competitive and fair. To learn more, see the parish’s Facebook page. Submit a resume to the Rev. Dan Cranley at

Staff Changes

Deborah Journeaux has joined the Diocese as interim director of Human Resources as of Dec. 10.