Bulletin Board is the Diocese’s bi-weekly e-bulletin for clergy and lay leaders. To subscribe to Bulletin Board, sign up online. To submit an item, email editor@toronto.anglican.ca.
Diocesan business
Diocese compiling a list for emergency clergy coverage
The Bishop’s Office is compiling a list of those clergy who can provide short-notice emergency coverage for Sunday supply. If you are able to help, and willing to have your contact information shared on a list for the clergy of the Diocese, please contact Mary Conliffe.
Clerics and parish staff reminded to renew police record checks
Responsible Ministry: Screening in Faith stipulates that all active clergy (Incumbents, Priests-in-charge, Interim Priests-in-charge, Associate Priests, Deacons, Honorary Assistants and Assistant Curates) are required to have their police record checks renewed every three years and these must be obtained through XpressChek. Please be in touch with the Screening Coordinator at your parish to ensure your application for a police record check is submitted. It is your responsibility to keep track of when you last completed a police record check and when you are due for a renewal. Please ensure that you complete this process as soon as possible. The forms and instructions can be found at: www.toronto.anglican.ca/forms-and-resources/ (Appendix M – Police Records Check). Please ensure your police record check is renewed by Nov. 20, 2020.
Parishes encouraged to be in full compliance with the Screening Policy for 2020
Please take some time to review your screening files for your staff and volunteers that were engaged in ministry between Jan. 1 and Dec. 31, 2020.
- Have all the screening steps been completed? For more information, see the Implementing Screening Steps Chart.
- Do any of your parish procedures need to be reviewed or updated?
- Do any of the screening steps need to be renewed? To assist you with tracking this, you may use the Screening Steps Worksheet.
When you complete your annual Churchwardens’ and Incumbent’s returns for 2020, you will be asked to verify that your parish has completed four compliance indicators for the Responsible Ministry: Screening in Faith policy. If there are items that need to be addressed, take some time to get everything in order before March 15, 2021 when the annual returns are due. There are resources available on the Diocese’s website to assist with the implementation of this policy. If you have any questions about what is required, please contact Aneita Chang.
Diocesan events
Bishop’s Company Cabaret only three days away
Join us this Friday, Oct. 16 at 8 p.m. for the first Bishop’s Company Cabaret. In place of this year’s dinner, we will be presenting a free evening of online entertainment brought to you by artists from across the Diocese. The event will be hosted by the Very Rev. Stephen Vail with a message of hope from our guest speaker, the Most Rev. Linda Nicholls, Primate of the Anglican Church of Canada. Registration is available on Eventbrite, the Bishop’s Company website and Facebook pages. Requests for donations will be made throughout the evening. This event is open to everyone. Feel free to share it with your family, friends, and fellow parishioners.
Registration now open for the Outreach Conference “No One Is Disposable”
Registration for the Annual Outreach Conference is now open. Bishop Peter Fenty will deliver the keynote address at the opening plenary, and the closing plenary will feature inspiring worship as well as updates from several of our FaithWorks partner ministries. A range of workshops are offered, on topics such as anti-racism, basic income, justice for migrant workers, and supporting the most vulnerable through COVID-19. One workshop, on frontline ministry during COVID, is specifically geared to youth aged 11-18 and parish youth workers. There is no cost, but donations to assist with honoraria will be gratefully received.
Bishop’s Committee on Healing Ministries launches video series
The Bishop’s Committee on Healing Ministries video series for fall will begin on Oct. 17. A new video will be released once a week until Nov. 14. All videos will be available for viewing on the Facebook page.
Oct. 17: Introduction and a service of worship.
Oct. 24: Bishop Peter Fenty – The Homily
Oct. 31: The Rev. Don Downer – Healing/Caring for God’s Creation
As everyone is able, please watch two Netflix documentaries prior to this presentation. One is called “Chasing Coral” and it focuses on the impact of global warming on coral reefs around the world. The other is “My Octopus Teacher,” which tells the story of a person who is unhappy with life who connects with, and learns from, an octopus.
Nov. 7: The Rev. Jo-Anne Billinger – Praying with the healing miracles of Jesus
Nov. 14: Nancy Truscott and Cheryle Pollock – Parish Nursing
Area Events
York-Credit Valley hosts three-part series on the ins and outs of prayer
Join Bishop Jenny Andison this fall in a three-part series on the “what, why, and how” of prayer. The sessions will take place Oct. 21, 28, and Nov. 4 at 7:30 p.m. by Zoom, and will include breakout rooms and larger group discussions. This is for anyone in the York-Credit Valley Area. No experience necessary. The curious, seeking and prayer-fatigued are especially welcome. Registration is required.
Annual FLAME conference open for registration
On Oct. 30-31, join the Toronto and Montreal FLAME committees for the virtual FLAME conference, which will focus on Jesus Christ and how we relate to Him, and how He relates to us. It will feature Bishop Dan Herzog of The Episcopal Church as a keynote speaker. More information and registration is available on the conference website.
Deacons host virtual KAIROS blanket exercise
The deacons of Parkdale-West Toronto and the York-Credit Valley Episcopal Area invite everyone to attend the second event in their series on Indigenous Justice & Reconciliation on Oct. 15. The KAIROS Blanket Exercise is a unique, interactive and participatory history lesson developed in collaboration with Indigenous Elders, knowledge keepers and educators. A virtual form of the Blanket Exercise has been developed by KAIROS and this will be one of the first groups to experience this new format. There is no charge to attend, but registration is required.
External Events
Dignity for All offers webinar series on poverty
Poverty is a complex, multifaceted issue that requires a comprehensive and intersectional approach. This week, the Dignity for All campaign (from Citizens for Public Justice and Canada Without Poverty) is offering a webinar series to dig deeper into issues, experiences, and recommendations related to poverty in Canada and point people to calls to action. The webinars are available in English only and dial-in options are available. Find out more about the webinars.
Reach More Grants fund innovative post-COVID initiatives
Reach Grants up to $5,000 to fund celebrations or to develop programs that build on what parishes have been learning during the lockdown are now available through a streamlined and accelerated process. The Reach Grant Panel will hear pitches twice a month and get back to you regarding the status of your proposal by the next day. Funds for successful proposals will be released in the next week. Congregations may apply for one Reach Grant in any calendar year. For help navigating the Reach Grant process, download this checklist. Reach Grants may be submitted to reach@toronto.anglican.ca at any time. Email Elizabeth McCaffrey for more information.
Tech mentorship available to parishes
The Congregational Development department has launched a small team of remote tech mentors who are available to help parishes set up online worship and small group meetings using digital media tools. Mentoring takes place through phone calls, video calls or email. If you would like to be paired with a mentor, or if you’d like to offer your skills as a mentor, contact Elizabeth McCaffrey, Volunteer Resources Coordinator, at emccaffrey@toronto.anglican.ca.
York-Credit Valley Area grant fall deadline approaching
The fall deadline to apply for York-Credit Valley area grants is Nov. 1. Visit the York-Credit Valley Grants page to learn more and download an application form.
Job Postings
York-Simcoe seeks Area Youth Coordinator
Do you have a passion for youth ministry? The episcopal area of York-Simcoe is looking to hire a part-time (7.5 hours per week) Area Youth Coordinator to work north of Hwy 89 for a two-year, renewable contract. The successful candidate will work in conjunction with the current AYC, Amy de Sousa, report to the Area Bishop and be fully supported by the members of the York-Simcoe Area Council. Please see the full job description for more details. If you are interested, call Jennipher Kean, 905-833-8327 and submit your resume to ysimcoe@toronto.anglican.ca.