Bulletin Board is the Diocese’s bi-weekly e-bulletin for clergy and lay leaders. To subscribe to Bulletin Board, sign up online.
Diocesan Business
Save the date: 157th Regular Session of Synod
The next Regular Session of Synod will be held on Nov. 24-25 at the Sheraton Parkway Toronto North Hotel & Suites, 9005 Leslie St., Richmond Hill. The parish registration fee of no more than $160 will be invoiced in June and will help cover the cost of food and beverages, facilities and some accommodation. Synod members are asked to make sure they have the date of their area’s pre-Synod meeting in their calendars. Learn more on the 2017 Synod page.
Parishes asked to participate in youth ministry survey
The Archbishop’s Youth Ministry Committee (AYMC) recently sent an email survey to each parish to collect detailed information about youth ministry. The committee asks that parishes participate in the survey, with the hope that the information will help develop and strengthen youth ministry in the Diocese.
Parish leaders encouraged to attend workshops
Parish leadership workshops have been scheduled for each episcopal area. All clergy and parish leaders (churchwardens, treasurers, etc.) are strongly encouraged to attend. Topics include insurance (and risk mitigation), real property management, parish finances and human resources. The dates for this year’s workshops are:
- York-Credit Valley: March 11 at St. John the Baptist (Dixie)
- York-Simcoe: March 11 at Holy Trinity, Thornhill
- York-Scarborough: April 1 at St. Andrew, Scarborough
- Trent-Durham: April 1 at St. Thomas, Brooklin
For more information, visit the Parish Leadership Workshops page.
Incumbents and churchwardens reminded to review screening files
As you complete your annual returns, take the time to review your screening files for staff and volunteers who were engaged in ministry between Jan. 1 and Dec. 31, 2016. Has everything been completed? If some items are outstanding, make sure they are completed before the annual returns are due. For more information about how to complete this section of the annual returns, refer to Responsible Ministry Screening in Faith – Completion of Annual Returns.
There are resources available on the diocesan website to help you implement this policy. If you have any questions about what is required, contact Amy Talbert, diocesan screening coordinator, at atalbert@toronto.anglican.ca.
Parishes asked to pass social justice vestry motion
The Social Justice Vestry Motion for 2017 focuses again on the implementation of the Calls to Action of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada. Parishes are encouraged to advocate for the implementation of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, particularly the requirement for free, prior and informed consent related to the lands and resources of Indigenous peoples. All parishes are encouraged to present and discuss the motion at their annual vestries (or with a special vestry), along with ways they can continue to engage the process of reconciliation. Materials and resources for the motion are available on the vestry motion page. Parishes are also asked to report the results of their vestry decisions on the motion to rweston@toronto.anglican.ca.
Annual return forms mailed in January
The forms for submitting the 2016 Churchwardens’ Parochial Return (CWPR) and the Incumbent’s Annual Statistical Return (IR) were mailed in early January. If your congregation has not received its copy, contact:
- Claire Wilton at 416-363-6021 (1-800-668-8932) ext. 239 or cwilton@toronto.anglican.ca for CWPR.
- Pamela Boisvert at 416-363-6021 (1-800-68-8932) ext. 231 or pboisvert@toronto.anglican.ca for IR.
The forms may also be downloaded from the Annual Returns page. They are due back to the Diocesan Centre by March 15.
Diocesan Events
Registration open for Trent-Durham Area Day
This year’s Trent-Durham Area Day will be held on March 4 from 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. at St. Peter, Cobourg. This year’s theme is “Wrestling With God.” For a full schedule and workshop details, visit the area day website. The cost is $20 if you register by Feb. 27 or $25 for late registration. Register online.
All invited to annual Black History service
The Diocese’s 22nd annual Black History Month service of celebration will take place on Feb. 26 at St. Paul, Bloor Street, with special music beginning at 4 p.m. The theme for this year is “From the Heart of Africa to the Soul of the Caribbean: Celebrating a Mosaic of Peoples.” The service will be filled with worship, music, dance, spoken word and a special acknowledgement of Canada’s sesquicentennial celebrations. For more information, call 416-809-4639.
Anglican Church Women plan anniversary celebration
The diocesan Anglican Church Women will hold its 50th anniversary celebration, annual general meeting and luncheon at Christ Church, Stouffville on May 13. More details will follow. For tickets call 416-363-0018 or email acw@toronto.anglican.ca.
Cathedral hosts Black History Month exhibit
St. James Cathedral is hosting a special exhibit to mark Black History Month and celebrate the diversity of the Black community within the cathedral. The exhibit runs from Feb. 5-25 and can be viewed between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. each day, except when services are in progress. Admission is free. On Feb. 15, the exhibit will be open until 6 p.m., followed by a short service, refreshments and an evening of storytelling beginning at 7 p.m. in the Cathedral Centre. For more information, visit the cathedral website.
Trinity College hosts lecture
Trinity College is host of the 2017 Dr. Rowan Williams Annual Colleges and Universities of the Anglican Communion Lecture, held in a different region of the Communion each year. This year’s speaker is Dr. Michael Higton of Durham University. His topic is “Discovering Virtue: How to be Good in Higher Education.” The lecture will take place on March 8 at 7:30 p.m. in Seeley Hall, Trinity College, 6 Hoskin Ave., Toronto. For more information, visit the Trinity College website.
Holy Cross Priory plans quiet day
The Holy Cross Priory is co-hosting its annual Lenten Quiet Day on March 18 from 9:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. at St. John, West Toronto, 288 Humberside Ave., Toronto. The leader will be the Rev. Canon Dr. David Neelands, Dean of the Faculty of Divinity at Trinity College. The day will include a Eucharist and a light lunch. For more information, contact Charles McMulkin, n/OHC, at cmcmulkin@gmail.com.
Deadline for OFOH grants coming soon
Parishes and congregations are invited to submit applications to receive Our Faith-Our Hope: Re-imagine Church grants in the following areas: leadership development; pioneering ministry; communicating in a wireless world; enabling parishes to become multi-staffed; and adaptive re-use of parish facilities. Spring applications are due by April 15. Learn more on the Our Faith-Our Hope page.
Free piano available
A console-style Heintzman piano in excellent condition is available free to any parish, group or individual who can use it. The only cost to the recipient is moving it to its new location. Contact Sister Constance Joanna, St. John’s Convent, at 416-226-2201 ext. 316 or cj@ssjd.ca.
Cottages on Lake Simcoe available to clergy
Anglican clergy (licensed priests and deacons) and their families are invited to rent cottages at a reasonable cost at the Church Camp on Lake Simcoe in July and August. Two- and three-bedroom cottages are fully equipped except for bedding and towels. Rental costs are $975 for a month, $775 for three weeks, $550 for two weeks, $325 for a week or $75 daily. For more information or to book a cottage, contact Kathy Forster at kathymil@cogeco.ca or 905-320-1112.
Deadline for Anglican Foundation of Canada grants approaching
Does your parish have a project for which funds are not easily available? It may be eligible for a grant from the Anglican Foundation of Canada. Programs supported by the Foundation can range from building projects, accessibility upgrades, creative arts programs, theological student bursaries, camps, Indigenous prayer and peace circles, and much more. The next Diocese of Toronto application deadline is March 1. Learn more on the Anglican Foundation of Canada page.
Job Postings
Convent seeks clerical support staff person
The Sisterhood of St. John the Divine is seeing a clerical support staff person for the convent guest house. The position is full-time Monday to Friday but requires flexibility to work occasional Saturdays. The successful applicant will be someone who is detailed and well-organized, who loves working with people and who has excellent communication and computer skills. Knowledge of the church and of monastic orders is desirable. Send a CV (no longer than three pages) to convent@ssjd.ca by March 8. Successful candidates will be notified by March 21. For more information, see the full job posting.
Organist and choir director wanted
St. Paul the Apostle, Rexdale is seeking a part-time organist and director of music to lead Sunday worship and music ministry and to lead the parish choir in a wide repertoire of hymns, service music and anthems. The successful applicant will enjoy teaching and help develop the musical skills of the choir in a positive and encouraging environment. The organ is a two-manual electronic Allen organ. The commitment will require slightly more hours at Christmas and Easter and fewer hours through the summer months. Availability to play at weddings and funerals would be an asset. Remuneration will be commensurate with experience and qualifications according to RCCO guidelines. If the successful candidate is able to lead a steel pan music ministry, additional paid hours would be available, though this experience is not necessary. Send a full CV and cover letter to stpaultheapostlerexdale@gmail.com c/o Organist Search Committee. Applications will be received until Feb. 10 or the post is filled.
Church seeks music director
Grace Church, Markham is looking for a new music director as it continues to grow as a vibrant and diverse community. The parish is hoping for someone to work with both its adult and youth choirs. This is a lively parish that enjoys traditional, contemporary and world expressions of worship. It has also formed a relationship with musicians at the local high school and would love to see that continue. The parish has a 1983 Keates-Geissler electro-pneumatic organ and an upright piano. Familiarity with liturgical worship music is a requirement. The position will be 15-20 hours per week, with remuneration in accordance with RCCO scale. A full job description and more details are available upon request. For more information or to apply, contact the Rev. Canon Nicola Skinner at rubyrev@gmail.com. Applications will be received until March 10. Learn more about the church at www.graceanglican.ca.
Music director wanted
Christ Church, Woodbridge is seeking an organist and choir director to work with an adult SATB choir. Familiarity with liturgical worship music and a broad spectrum of contemporary musical expressions of worship in an asset, along with a willingness to work with children and youth to develop musical programs. Remuneration is commensurate with experience and qualifications according to RCCO guidelines. The position entails about 6 hours per week, including rehearsals and Sunday services, along with availability for additional services and regular meetings with the rector. The church has a Casavant organ and a grand piano. To apply or for more information, contact the church office at christchurchanglican1@bellnet.ca or 905-851-0718. Applications will be received until March 31. For more information about the parish, visit www.christchurchwoodbridge.com.