Bulletin Board is the Diocese’s bi-weekly e-bulletin for clergy and lay leaders. To submit an item, email editor@toronto.anglican.ca.
Diocesan business
Parishes reminded to review records
Archives reminds parishes to take time to review records. The summer is a good time to destroy records that are considered past retention, such as financial records older than seven years. Get more details in the Parish Records Retention guidelines and on the Archives Information for Parishes page.
CIBC fees changing
Parishes that bank with CIBC under the diocesan program may have received a notice about an increase in service fees. The Diocese’s special arrangements will supersede any fee changes for services covered in the arrangement. After a high-level overview, the Finance department can confirm that certain items will change effective Aug. 1. See the attached memo for more details.
Group seeks stories of hybrid ministry
The Hybrid Ministry Working Group is looking for parishes to share the stories of how they’re cultivating community both in-person and online. Are you using QR codes? Does your presider welcome virtual worshippers every week? Do you offer Christian education by Zoom? Big or small, high-tech or low-tech, the HMWG wants to hear about it! Fill out the online form to share the story of your hybrid ministry.
Diocesan events
Celebration kicks off Season of Creation
St. James Cathedral will host a diocesan Eucharist celebrating the worldwide ecumenical Season of Creation on Sept. 21 at 2 p.m. This event is intended to bring together parishes from across the Diocese, who are invited to bring prayers and symbols telling the story of their place in God’s creation. Accompanied by vibrant contemporary music and youth participation, this service will express the ecumenical theme for Season of Creation 2024: “To Hope and Act with Creation.” Resources for parish participation in this event and in the Season of Creation more generally will be available on the Creation Care page by early July.
Workshop considers bullying in churches
What happens when a house of faith is fractured by the behaviour of one of its own? How do we love even the hardest to love among us, and at the same time set appropriate behaviour boundaries? What does bullying in our midst tell us about the health of our congregation? Lay leaders and clergy are invited to “Transforming Bullying & Tough Congregational Dynamics,” a workshop with Dr. Betty Pries on Sept. 21 from 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. at St. Thomas, Brooklin. Participants will develop skills to address tough interpersonal dynamics and bullying using real-life situations and interactive dialogue. Register online. The cost is $45, including lunch.
Bus trips explore Black history
The Rev. Canon Claudette Taylor is organizing two daytrips by coach to sites of Black historical significance in Ontario:
- Aug. 3: the Old Durham Road Black Pioneer Cemetery in Princeville, the site of the Negro Creek Settlement and the Emancipation Day Festival in Owen Sound
- Sept. 14: the Sheffield Black History Museum in Clarksburg and the Heritage Community Church in Collingwood
Each trip will depart Toronto at 8:30 a.m. and return to Toronto that evening around 6 p.m. The cost of each trip is $65. Contact the Rev. Canon Claudette Taylor for more details and to register.
Diocese offers payroll training
Diocesan staff will hold a Zoom workshop on payroll training for parish leaders, especially those responsible for processing payroll at the parish. The dates are:
- Oct. 16 from 6-7:30 p.m.
- Oct. 23 from 6-7:30 p.m.
Both sessions will cover the same content: the difference between employees and independent contractors; T4 vs. T4A; CRA remittances; calculating payroll source deductions; processing payroll for supply clergy; clergy residence; EHT/WSIB remittances and annual returns; and taxable benefits. Links to register will be available during the summer. For more information, contact Keri Stilling at kstilling@toronto.anglican.ca.
External events
Lay readers gather
Lay readers are invited to a summer conference held annually in the Diocese of Ontario. Summer Fruit for Souls is a chance for lay readers to come together for fellowship and laughter, alongside teaching about their work for the Church and the gospel. It will take place July 23-26 in Kingston and online. The keynote speaker will be the Rev. Canon Dr. Lizette Larson-Miller, professor of liturgy and sacramental theology at Bexley Seabury Seminary, speaking on “presiding with style, grace and understanding: liturgical leadership and lay ecclesial ministry.” For more details, see the Diocese of Ontario’s website.
Meditation community hosts events
The ecumenical Canadian Christian Meditation Community is hosting “The Ever-Present Origin” on July 2 at 7 p.m. at St. Paul, Bloor Street. Fr. Laurence Freeman will talk about how meditation re-roots us in an experience of real presence, and how meditation is the gift we practice and the gift we can share. There will be a time for silent meditation. Register online.
The community is also holding “From Anxiety to Peace,” its national conference retreat, from July 5-7 in Vancouver and online. Fr. Laurence Freeman will speak on the transformative effect of meditation for a world suffering as we do today. Learn more and register online.
Funding available for professional development
The Anglican Foundation of Canada invites clergy in the Diocese to submit applications for funding to the Lewis S. Garnsworthy Memorial Trust for training in preaching and pastoral care. The trust provides bursaries to help clergy enroll in courses for the purpose of enriching their skills in these areas, including attendance at the Lester Randall Preaching Fellowship. Learn more on the Anglican Foundation’s website.
Spaces available at diocesan camp
Camp Huron, located in Bayfield, Ont., has spaces in its weekly camps for children and youth aged 6-13 (grades 1-7), as well as leadership training spots for ages 13/14-16 (grades 8-10). Camp runs for six consecutive weeks starting July 7 and finishing on Aug. 17. There are spots in all programs, especially for the month of August. Learn more on the Camp Huron website.
Job postings
Parish administrator needed
St. George Memorial, Oshawa is seeking a parish administrator to work closely with the priest and leadership teams in planning and carrying out the day-to-day operations and administrative tasks for the parish. See the full job post for more details. To apply, submit your CV, along with two professional references, to churchwardens@stgeorgesoshawa.org by July 26.
Burlington parish seeks music director
St. Matthew on-the-Plains in Burlington is seeking a part-time (16 hours a week) music director to work collaboratively with the rector in assisting the people of God to worship and pray. See the full job post for more details. To apply, email office@stmatthewburlington.ca with a CV, two references and salary expectations.
School seeking chaplain
Holy Trinity School in Richmond Hill is seeking a part-time chaplain who will also teach religious knowledge for students in Kindergarten to Grade 8. See the full job post for more details. The deadline is July 5.
Christian education minister wanted
St. Philip on-the-Hill, Unionville responsible for enhancing existing spiritual formation programs and developing new ones for all age groups in the church community. See the full job post for details. To apply, email Katharine Crowe at office@spoth.ca with a cover letter and resume by July 19.
Parish seeks lead for evangelism & welcome
Are you excited about introducing people to Jesus? Do you love welcoming people into Christian community? St. Paul, Bloor Street is seeking a full-time lead for evangelism and welcome with energy and vision to lead its Alpha courses and give oversight to all its ministries that welcome and integrate new people into its Christian community. Being an ordained priest would be an asset, but it is not essential. Learn more. If you would like to express interest in this position, email your resume and cover letter to Bishop Jenny Andison at jandison@stpaulsbloor.org.
Organization seeks executive director
All Saints Church-Community Centre seeks a compassionate, collaborative and experienced leader to oversee its weekday drop-in for people experiencing homelessness and other challenges. This is a full-time permanent position. See the full job description for more details. To apply, send a cover letter and resume in one PDF with the title Application – Executive Director to ascccsearchcttee@gmail.com.
Diocese seeking executive director
The Diocese is looking for an executive director, who will work closely with the College of Bishops, diocesan directors, and Synod Council to ensure that diocesan goals are achieved and there is an effective management of resources. See the full job post for more details. To express interest in this opportunity, email your cover letter and resume to hr@toronto.anglican.ca.
Diocese seeks property resources specialist
The Diocese is looking for an experienced property resources specialist who will be responsible for managing the operations of diocesan-controlled properties and consulting with parishes on deferred maintenance, building assessments and capital planning. See the full job post for more details and apply to hr@toronto.anglican.ca.