Bulletin Board is the Diocese’s bi-weekly e-bulletin for clergy and lay leaders. To submit an item, email editor@toronto.anglican.ca.
Diocesan business
Update your address ahead of tax season
Take a moment to check the address on your pay stub. If it’s not correct, email your updated contact information to kstilling@toronto.anglican.ca. Your T4 will be mailed in February to the address on your paystub.
2021 annual returns to be completed online
The online forms to submit 2021 incumbent’s and churchwardens’ annual returns will be available in early February at http://parishportal.toronto.anglican.ca. The usernames and passwords for each parish are the same as in previous years. If you have questions about accessing the online forms, contact Tracey Gordon at tgordon@toronto.anglican.ca.
Churches reminded of screening requirements for annual returns
Before you complete your annual returns in a few weeks, take the time to review screening files for staff and volunteers engaged in ministry in 2021. Has everything been completed? If some items are outstanding, make sure they’re finished before the annual returns are due. For more information about how to fill out the screening section, see Responsible Ministry Screening in Faith – Completion of Annual Returns. There are also screening resources available to help you implement the screening policy. If you have any questions, contact Lily Chow at lchow@toronto.anglican.ca.
Screening reminder for high-risk ministries
As annual vestry meetings approach, incumbents and churchwardens are asked to make sure that individuals nominated for election to high-risk ministry positions (particularly churchwarden) are aware of the screening requirements under the Responsible Ministry: Screening in Faith policy. It’s important that we’re upfront with these requirements so people can make informed choices about how they’d like to offer their gifts. Remind those nominated for high-risk ministry positions that they’ll be required to participate in the screening process before they start their new ministry. There are 11 items that must be completed for high-risk ministry positions, including:
- completing a police record check using the diocesan-approved process
- participating in Sexual Misconduct Policy training
For more information, read the Implementing Screening Standards section of the diocesan website.
Parishes reminded to reset email accounts during transition
When a priest, administrator or churchwarden leaves the parish, you can contact Tracey Gordon at tgordon@toronto.anglican.ca so she can reset your diocesan email addresses, lock out previous users and set a new password for future use. This will eliminate the need to remember and pass along the credentials and will also ensure the security of the mailbox.
Diocesan events
Save the date: ACW annual general meeting
The diocesan Anglican Church Women will hold its annual general meeting by Zoom on April 30 from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. This year’s theme is “Renewed for Change.” A registration link will be available by April 1. For more details, call 416-363-0018 and leave a message, or email acw@toronto.anglican.ca.
Workshop explores sustaining refugee committee volunteers
The Diocesan Refugee Network is hosting an online workshop on the morning of Feb. 12 about sustaining refugee committee volunteers in the face of compassion fatigue and burnout. The panel of speakers includes Mary Jo Leddy, the Rev. Canon Douglas Graydon and Suzanne Lawson, ODT. Register online.
Reconciliation Walk series resumes
The Reconciliation Walk series hosted by the deacons of Parkdale-West Toronto Deanery will resume on Feb. 10 at 7 p.m. with Nicole Meawasige (Anishinaabekwe), and Lorena Garvey (Anishinaabe Kwe), educators from the Ontario Federation of Indigenous Friendship Centres. They will give an overview of contemporary issues and impacts on Indigenous peoples and communities. Register online.
Vestry motion materials available
Members of the Social Justice & Advocacy and Poverty Reduction committees have prepared a video resource responding to questions they’ve received about this year’s social justice vestry motion. You can watch the video, which is 12 minutes long, on YouTube. You can find the motion itself and additional resources at www.toronto.anglican.ca/vestry-motion.
Creation care curriculum coming soon
From Ecological Grief to Biblical Hope: A Lent Curriculum for all Ages, a resource from the Bishop’s Committee on Creation Care, will be available for parishes to download on the Creation Care page by early February. Written by Dr. Sylvia Keesmaat, biblical scholar and committee co-chair, the curriculum will be suitable for adult bible studies, youth groups and Sunday School programs for children older than 8. It will contain discussion and reflection questions on biblical passages, activities and items for action for each week.
Job postings
Ministry seeks board members
Flemingdon Park Ministry is seeking new board members willing to contribute their expertise to its volunteer board of management for a three-year term. The board is particularly interested in candidates with experience in the not-for-profit sector, fundraising/grant development, finance, communications, public relations and business management. To learn more and apply, see the attached description.
Parish seeking part-time administrator
St. Thomas, Brooklin is seeking a part-time (16 hours per week) administrator, beginning March 1. The successful applicant will have excellent interpersonal skills, strong proficiency in Microsoft Office, an ability to learn new technology and programs (including website editing and parish management software) and a desire to collaborate in ministry with a dedicated team of clergy and lay leaders. A full job description is available on the parish website. To apply, send a resume and cover letter with references to the Rev. Benjamin Gillard at priest-stthomasbrooklin@toronto.anglican.ca by 5 p.m. on Jan. 28.
Parish administrator wanted
St. John the Evangelist, Port Hope is seeking a part-time parish administrator to maintain the financial records of the church and carry out the administrative work in the church office. See the job ad for full details. To apply, send a resume to stephenwwright@bell.net.
Parish seeks secretary
St. John, Willowdale is seeking a full-time church secretary. The successful candidate will be familiar with Microsoft Office, including Excel; word processing in both English and Chinese traditional characters; written and verbal communication in English and Cantonese Chinese; coordinating church operation and scheduling. Send a resume in confidence to the Rev. Canon Simon Li at simonli.toronto@gmail.com.
Parish seeking part-time administrator
St. Theodore of Canterbury in Willowdale is seeking a part-time (10 hours per week) administrator to help the parish live out its mission in the community. The successful applicant will be someone with excellent people skills, competence in word processing and database programs, and a desire to collaborate with a committed team of clergy and lay leaders. A full job description is available on the parish website. To apply, send a resume with brief cover letter to the Rev. Canon Andrea Budgey at theodorechurch@bellnet.ca.
Church seeks associate priest
St. John, York Mills is looking for a full-time ordained Anglican priest motivated and able to teach the gospel to both large and small groups to work with and complement its existing team of priest-in-charge, children’s minister and deacon, and a youth leader yet to be hired. The parish is looking for someone who is dynamic, flexible and organized, with initiative and follow-through on projects. Comfort in the use of media, facility with technology and passion for social justice and the marginalized would be assets. The parish is a welcoming community, trying to build intergenerational Christ-centred worship services and programming. To learn more, visit www.sjym.ca. Preferred start date by May 1. Apply to annecurtis@sympatico.ca by March 1.
Staff changes
Pamela Boisvert, Secretary of Synod, will be on leave for six weeks starting Jan. 26. In her absence, you can reach out to:
- Canon Rob Saffrey for vestry-related questions
- Peter Misiaszek for Incumbent’s Return questions
- Victoria Haruna for all other matters
Jennifer Wang will join the Finance team on Feb. 7 as accounts payable clerk. You can reach her at apclerk@toronto.anglican.ca.