Each member of the parish leadership team – incumbents and churchwardens – has stated duties and responsibilities. But the Canons are clear in their expectation that churchwardens and incumbents together form the core leadership for the parish. By implication, the Canons intend that leadership in our parishes should be as collaborative as possible.
This means that incumbents and churchwardens should have equal access to the same resources. The Parish Leaders’ Manual and annual leaders’ workshops are intended for both groups.
Parish Leaders’ Manual
The Parish Leaders’ Manual is primarily meant to familiarize new churchwardens and lay leaders with their roles and responsibilities. It’s also a reference source to experienced churchwardens and incumbents.
For more information, contact Canon Laura Walton, Secretary of Synod, at lwalton@toronto.anglican.ca or 647-373-5807.
Churchwardens’ responsibilities
Under our governance structure, the churchwardens are a Corporation, and the office of churchwarden functions as a legal entity or corporation. Through the office of the churchwardens, the congregation functions in the same way an ordinary corporation would. The responsibilities of this office are great, because the legal authority of and responsibility for the congregation reside in the office of churchwarden.
An article from the Canadian Council of Churches, a reminder to churchwardens of their important role in the life and ministry of the Church.